
Avoid Time Management Pitfalls in Sales

Do you ever feel like you were super busy all day, but you didn’t reallyget anything important accomplished?  For instance, you didn’t move sales any closer than they were yesterday, even though that is your job and what your main focus should be?  Or, are you a sales leader that is wondering what your sales team is doing with their time and you get that sinking feeling that proactive sales and lead nurturing keeps getting pushed to the bottom of the list?  If so, this short 3 minute videowill help.  It’s one simple tactic that I’ve been using to ensure my own business is moving forward, and I’ve shared this with hundreds of hotel sales people that find it incredibly helpful and even freeing, as they now manage their day vs. their day managing them.  Give it a try and let me know what challenges and pitfalls you face with time management.  Maybe I can help!

Contact: amy.infante@planbconsultants.com  (312) 636-7384
