
What Courtney Taught Me About Leadership & Gratitude

Amy and Courtney, January 2013.

I’m going to give a fair warning that this post is not your typical business post about lead generation, business-to-business buying habits or any other topic you’ve seen from me.  It’s much more personal than that, but I feel as if someone in my audience needs to read it, and that it can serve in some greater capacity.  I’ve hesitated to write about this subject, as the timing never seemed appropriate.  My feelings were too raw and I wasn’t thinking clearly about it for a very long time.

On March 4th I got an update on LinkedIn that Courtney Woodward was celebrating her 5th anniversary with Plan B Consultants, Inc.  It knocked the wind out of me.  On March 25th yet another notification on LinkedIn. It was her 29th birthday, and again it stopped me in my tracks… Today, April 25th will be one year since she left this life.  I’ve been expecting this day to come, and prepared for some emotion to bubble to the surface now… unlike the other two days, there won’t be a LinkedIn notification that pops up for today.

Why am I sharing all of this?  Because I think it’s important in business to stop and remember that we are all just humans here on earth, having human experiences.  We get so caught up in the day-to-day grind that it becomes easy just to go through the motions.  Think about how many times you’ve asked a colleague “how was your weekend” but didn’t really stop to listen to the response.  It’s been my experience that in the wake of tragedy teams really come together and form strong bonds.  Prior to that, it’s not always the case.  It’s not something we need to beat ourselves up about… it just is.  Fortunately, we can learn from other teams, and change the path of our own.  Let’s not wait for a tragedy to show our deepest gratitude and appreciation for the people we are surrounded by at work.

Today, as we at Plan B celebrate Courtney in our own way through memories, raising a glass, listening to a song, sharing a story, writing this message… my hope for all leaders is that we take a step back from the “grind” of what must get accomplished for the business and celebrate the people, and the gifts they bring.  I made a gratitude list early this morning of everything I love about my team members.  The list spanned from their focus and dedication to the phrases they say that make me giggle, their quirks, the lessons they are teaching me and their many many talents.  It’s an exercise I commit to doing regularly as a way to stop and reflect.  It’s easier sometimes to be critical than to be thankful, to judge rather than accept, to express areas where someone needs to improve rather than show appreciation for their gifts.  This one small exercise changes everything!

Celebrating Courtney! 

Courtney was an incredibly gifted and talented person.  She had a way about her that immediately drew people in, whether it was over the phone or in person.  She was the epitome of hospitality, always wanting to take care of everyone else… she “adopted” people and animals just the same.  It was her mission to draw a smile or a giggle.  She took great care of everyone else and was incredibly porous taking on other’s struggles as her own… such a BIG heart and a giving soul.   I miss her not only from our team, how she took care of our clients and elevated our business, but more than anything I miss her in this world.  She taught me so much about how to be a good leader.

Courtney was one of our first hires in our operations office, more than five years ago. She was so patient with my mistakes as a business owner, always tackling something new that we’d never encountered before.  I have so many things I’d love to share with Courtney today, but deep down I know she already knows.  She had things figured out.  She was living her journey.  Even in her passing, she was choosing her exact journey.  I was so fortunate that she gave me the chance to say good-bye and spend a long private moment together.  I know that was another gift she gave to me, as I needed that time, and to say those things whether she could hear me or not.

My hope is that our deep loss of a friend and colleague at Plan B Consultants is a story that creates opportunity for others to stop and reflect on the awesome contributions of your team members at work, but also in the world.   I know Courtney would love that, and our team would as well.
