
A Newbie’s Perspective on Overcoming Sales Fear


Although no one likes to admit it, as a first year marketing manager I know firsthand just how scary, intimidating, and even frustrating it can be…. Always worrying how things “used-to-be” done… Worrying about your coworkers, supervisors, or owners being disappointed in you… Worrying about stepping on toes… Playing the “newbie” card… Not believing in yourself… Thinking that since your boss is the expert, there is no way your work will ever compare… Not wanting to take the leap and put yourself out there, for fear of failure or rejection… Fear can be completely paralyzing at times.

Now, I know this isn’t anything you don’t already know. But, in the short months that I have been with Plan B Consultants, Inc.  I have had to conquer several of my “fears” and push myself to grow and change as a professional… While I still have room to grow, I have compiled 7 important tips to overcoming sales fear that I think may be helpful for my fellow sales and marketing colleagues out there just entering the job force.

But first, what is fear? As I have been told many times, fear is simply defined by its own acronym: False Evidence Appearing Real. So what does that mean? Well, it means that we have allowed ourselves to be concerned because we think or believe something that in fact is not true. So in order for us to conquer our fears and be successful and confident in our day-to-day actions, we must first change our mindset.

1. Know that it IS normal!

In one way, shape, or form, everyone has fear. As a child we all had fears, growing up and moving to college we had our fears… Anyone who has started a new job, launched a new company, or made any sort of big decision has undoubtedly had fears. It is completely normal, and nothing to be ashamed of.

2. Know that it IS okay to make mistakes.

Everyone makes mistakes… E-V-E-R-Y-O-N-E! It’s simply human nature. I guarantee if you ask your boss, they can tell you about at least one time in their careers when they have made a mistake. The key is to learn from the mistake, and move on to bigger and better things.

3. When in doubt, ask for forgiveness rather than permission…

As we all know, time is money, and in sales time is of the essence. Often, situations arise where you have to make split-second decisions in order to close a sale, book a last-minute event, or respond to a client. While checking in, and including your supervisor in on major decisions is important, sometimes you just have to trust your gut! More often than not, they will be pleased with your self-assurance, and if not they will correct you on what to do for future references.

 4. Believe in yourself!

I am a major offender in this area. While I may think or say that I am confident and believe in myself, or even know that I am doing the right thing, I always question every decision I make… Our owner, Amy Infante, (and if I’m being honest, my entire family) is constantly reminding me that no one is as hard on me, as I am! Only I can control how I feel and think… Only I can control my success and sometimes I just have find the power to believe in myself and my decisions.

5. Take that leap!

Whether it’s picking up the phone, sending an email, giving a new sales presentation, publishing a new piece of content, speaking up in a meeting, or coming to your boss with a new idea, just do it! Yes, you may find rejection, but it will get easier. You just have to take that first jump…. Imperfect action is better than none.

6. Learn to accept criticism.

This is by far the hardest area to improve upon! No one likes being told what they did wrong, and quite frankly, no one likes being told how others think they should fix what they did wrong. However, this is a crucial part of succeeding in the business world… Being able to hear what others have to say, not take it personally, and then put that knowledge to good use.

7. Take time to reflect on what you have accomplished, and be proud of those things!

As we all know, far too often we focus on what we need to fix, change and improve upon… However, it is equally as important to reflect and celebrate the “wins” that you have had! If you only focus on the negative, it is easy to become frustrated and “burnt-out.” But, if you take time once a week, or even just once a month to reflect on what you have succeeded at, and what has worked for you… It can truly impact your entire outlook and approach.

It may not happen all at once, and it may be something you have to continually work-on, but if you can overcome your sales fear and take that leap, I guarantee you will find yourself less stressed, more productive, more successful, and just plain happier in your everyday life.

Please post your comments and engage in a discussion, I would love to hear your thoughts, and learn what other tips you may have for overcoming sales fear!

To learn how Plan B Consultants, Inc. and Sales4Hire™ can serve your hotel sales team with additional support to drive consistent sales revenue and overcome revenue consistency challenges, schedule a FREE Consultation Call, today!

Or Contact: amy.infante@planbconsultants.com   (312) 636-7384
