
Revenue Generation, Training, and Task Force Sales… Oh my!

Revenue Generation, Training and Task Force Sales.. Oh my!

I am increasingly grateful for the opportunity to impact so many different people, properties and businesses. Oftentimes I get asked in a gloomy tone assuming the answer will be negative and dismal “how’s business?” Well, I’m proud to say that business is booming! GitGo has been providing sales and marketing hospitality direction to owners, management companies and hotels across the country for over 3 years, and each year continues to out-perform and exceed my expectations. What could hotels possibly be willing to pay for during such trying times?

1. Revenue Generation Services – Need I say more? This is our consistent focus. If we can’t prove that there will be results driven from our efforts…we don’t suggest them.

One of the largest growing segments for GitGo today is providing market sales blitz organization and implementation for our clients. We have done 6 large-scale blitzes with 14-30 hotels per market over the past 5 months, and are currently slated for 6 more in the coming months. Do clients want to see these hotels? Yes! Are we offering compelling reasons and incentives to take some time to meet and get reacquainted? Absolutely! Our mission is to provide the high quality execution, unsurpassed organization, and the biggest return on investment of any market sales blitz these hotels have ever participated…and it’s working! In the end, no one can argue with the ability to uncover over millions of dollars worth of potential business in just a couple days in each city.

2. Training…training…and more training! In the past, this has been one of the first expenses cut in organizations during difficult economic times. Because of our history of providing results-oriented training that immediately cuts down on the learning curve and helps managers quickly gain traction on their market segment…we are seeing an actual upswing in requests today.

We’ve been fortunate to have incredible word-of-mouth/grass-roots marketing for these services from past customers and supporters. I recently completed a business travel sales training week with a resort property that is shifting focus to this segment. At the end of the week, the DOSM and DORM were literally dancing on the furniture! Now that’s the best kind of testimonial in my mind, and one I’ll never forget for the rest of my career. I wish I would’ve had my camera.

3. Task force sales is STILL needed. Even with a much larger pool of talented work-force seeking jobs, there is still a need for task force sales. It’s just a little bit different today than it was a year ago.

The calls are coming in for areas where the workforce was slim to begin with. Secluded and tertiary markets, and yes…there are still markets where unemployment is low. The task force efforts have shortened from months to weeks, but we’re able to provide “shot in the arm” solutions that help teams uncover priorities quickly and implement solutions that bring results. We can do this, because we come from the outside looking in and approach with a clean slate and 100% time and focus.

We’ve even added additional services by bringing on a talented consultant that has incredible back-ground as a General Manager and a Director of Sales & Marketing. She is highly sought-after for her ability to wear both hats and wear them well. Karen Sikora-Berard can step in as a task force operations manager in almost any capacity. She has a passion for leading teams to success, and knows how to get quick results for owners with cost-saving measures and streamlining business practices.

So, yes business is great! GitGo continues to broaden our network of clients that need our services and grow our core group of talented consultants that will exceed expectations.
