
The B2B Buying Process: Put Yourself in Their Shoes

It’s very likely that everyone reading this is a consumer of something.  So, we all know how we like to buy.  Let’s walk through a quick exercise.  Humor me.  First, imagine you are in the process of buying something that is worth $1,000.  It could be anything at all, but the dollar value must be $1,000.00.  Let’s say this $1,000.00 spend is based out of necessity.  It’s not a luxury or impulse buy, it is something that you must purchase to meet your goals.  You’ve done your research and you know that this is the product you need, but you have multiple options within the product line.

Answer these questions:

  • How did you do the research to decide which option to buy and which vendors to engage with?
  • What will it take once you engage with a sales person for you to buy from that sales person?
  • What are some of your “deal breakers” and things that would make you change your mind from purchasing from the vendor you selected?
  • How do you want to feel during the buying process?
  • How do you want to feel after you’ve made the purchase?
  • What role does the sales person you engage with play in how you feel about your purchase?

Do you see where I’m headed with these questions?  The buying process is emotional, isn’t it?  Some purchases are more transactional than others because they are based on necessity, but there is still an emotional element.  This is true, even with B2B Buyers, they want to engage with a sales person and have a smooth and easy transaction.  I had a manager once tell me that meeting planners and travel managers don’t really care because it’s not their money they are spending.  I strongly disagree.  They have a responsibility to spend their company’s money wisely and ensure they get a return.  They are tasked with certain key performance objectives just like we all are in our own jobs, whether we are the owner with the checkbook or the employee. Regardless of all that, they are looking to work with a vendor/hotel that will make their job easier so they can focus on multiple projects and be most efficient.  They do care, just like we all care when making a purchasing decision as a consumer in the B2C world.

What questions would you add to the list above?

If you are a B2B Buyer:

  • What experiences have you had with hotel sales managers in general that turned you off or made you want to work with them even more?
  • How did they make you feel? What was important to you?

If you are a Hotel Sales Manager:

  • What experiences have you had with your buyers?
  • How do you try to set yourself apart and make them feel during the buying process?
  • How have you put yourself in their shoes and won the business?


Amy Infante has been a hotel sales & marketing consultant for the past 9 years working with her clients to navigate the B2B buying process as it specifically relates to hotel sales team success. Amy has developed Plan B Consultants and Sales4Hire from her passion to provide solutions for business leaders and hotel owners that are tailor made to find top line revenue. Contact: Amy.infante@planbconsultants.com 312-636-7384

