
Winning Attitudes in a Challenging Economy

Winning Attitudes in a Challenging Economy

Fortunes can be built in times like these.

It’s something we can easily lose sight of as we listen to daily reports of businesses going under, laying off employees and struggling to keep afloat. During our typical Saturday morning coffee run, my husband and I were discussing our businesses as is common conversation. We’re your typical DINKS (dual income no kids), so we talk a lot of “shop” around our house. We were discussing some broad topics and not getting too deep or serious about any of them, but the conversation has stuck with me over 6 hours later, and I felt compelled to write about it.

Over the past 6 months, I’ve been involved in a project working with a major hotel company implementing sales blitzes in large markets across the country. We’ve uncovered over $40 million in potential revenue in just 5 markets, and have 8 more to go. It’s amazing how much interest the company has seen from potential customers, and how wide-eyed and surprised some have gotten over the discovery that businesses are still traveling and spending money. Like I said, it’s easy to get carried away in the thought that all is doom and gloom in today’s economy. What I’ve witnessed and tried to carry into my own business practices is the idea that fortunes can and will be built in times like these. Companies that implement efforts to steal share today will survive, and those that bury their heads and wait out the storm will not. Companies that present themselves as the shining star in their industry will attract attention. People want to do business with winners. It seems simplistic, and some may call me a “Polly Anna”, but I do believe in the power of positive thinking, and have seen it work first hand.
